
From Meiker Wiki

It is possible to have items span through several linked layers, but in order for that to happen, you'll need to link them through the "ref" (reference) and mirror categories. This is useful for certain items such as hats, hairstyles, cloaks, etc. This may also be used to create custom icons for items as well, such as items that may be small to see in the menu section, doll bodies, etc.

An example of an item that uses refs and mirrors. The ref is in front of the doll, while the mirror is on the back of the doll's head (Screenshot from Betty Bonnet Shops Early)

However, if an item utilizing refs and mirrors uses a color picker, using the [color-picker] label is necessary for both ref and mirror labeled layers and the same color hex codes, i.e., Bob Cut #3 [ref:bobcut3][color-picker], the mirror would be, Bob Cut #3 [mirror:bobcut3][color-picker], as well as moveable items, i.e., Robin Hood Hat [ref:robinhat][move:10 10 10 10] or items with both moveable and color picker tags, i.e., Bonnet [ref:bonnet][color-picker][move:10 10 10 10].

Reference[edit | edit source]

How the refs and mirrors are layered around the doll. Note that the first "betty hats" folder with the [optional] tag is for the refs while the unlabeled second "betty hats" folder is for the mirrors (Taken from the PSD file of Betty Bonnet Shops Early)

Item layers with the [ref:] tag are always the icons for the items, as displayed in the category menu. They are always located in the parent folder of their item category and must use unique names after the : to help link to other layers (see Mirror). Parent folders containing ref layers must state their labels along with the category icon. You can only have one ref per item with linking layers.

Mirror[edit | edit source]

[Mirror:]s are linked to [ref:]s, but in special separate folders. Folders containing mirrors should NOT have any labels on them, unlike folders containing refs. [Mirror:]s must always bear the same, exact unique name after the : as their [ref:]. You may have more than one mirror to each ref.

The mirror code may be shortened to [mi:].

Gallery[edit | edit source]